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↓。υ。↓ 实际上,年龄和性别也会影响基础代谢率,也有与之相关的算法。另外,瘦体重、年龄、性别都相同的几个人,其基础代谢率也会有差异。不同算法得出的数值大同小异,这里我们只根据Katch-McAr...Katch-McArdle 公式:BMR = 370 + 21.6(1 - F)W W是体重(kg)H是身高(cm)A是年龄 F是体...

The Katch-McArdle Formula is slightly different in that it calculates resting daily energy expenditure (RDEE), which takes lean body mass into account, something ...Katch-McArdle计算公式如下:基础代谢率P=370+21.6m(1-f/100)f表示身体脂肪百分比(体脂率)m是体重kg 假设贝贝的体脂率是13%,体重是84kg。那么根据计算公式贝贝的基础代谢就是:P...

1,167 calories per day based on the Katch-McArdle Formula, which is widely known to be the most accurate when body fat is provided. The table below shows the difference if you were t...公式2:Katch-McArdle公式 Katch-McArdle公式适用于了解自己体脂率并有一定运动经验的健身爱好者或者运动员,但它并未考虑到性别、年龄这些与代谢率密切相关的其...

Katch-McArdle Equation Katch = 370 + (21.6 * LBM)where LBM is lean body mass Revised Harris-Benedict Equation Harris-Benedict = (13.397m + 4.799h – 5.677a) + 88...这里要说的是Katch-McArdle Formula公式, 更能符合实际情况: BMR=370+(21.6*纯消耗重量kg)大家可能说, 纯消耗重量我怎么知道啊? 这里就得用上体脂率了, 因为...

2. Katch-McArdle方程式(所计算的为RMR,而不是BMR): RMR=370+21.6×体重(kg)×(1-体脂率) 例如:一名体重为60kg,身高为160cm,年龄为30岁,体脂率为30%的女性,通过方程式1所得出的BMR...The Katch-McArdle Formula is slightly different in that it calculates resting daily energy expenditure (RDEE), which takes lean body mass into account, something ...